We sell livestock medicines, additives and materials, and provide support to agricultural cooperatives, veterinarians, and farmers to improve livestock productivity.
In addition, we also contribute to the production of safe and high-quality livestock products by supporting the acquisition of HACCP and JGAP on farms.
We contributes to total coordination in food production and development, including not only food ingredients and additives, but also packaging materials for packaging products and sanitation materials useful for factory hygiene.
We provide high-quality services, create new value, and also contribute to animal medical care and local comunities so that humans and companion animals can live together wealthily.
We handle products related to small animal medical needs, such as veterinary drugs, pet food, medical equipment, and medical supplies.
We provide customers with high added value through the sale of products related to the production of marine products and the development of new technologies.
We will also make effectively utilize limited resources, support sustainable aquaculture, and contribute to the development of the fishery industry.
From the wide handling item, we perform the suggestion of the quotient materials along the needs of the customer.
We ship fish from our own farms to markets, fishing cooperatives, restaurants and taverns.
We also sell fresh fish and processed goods sold by our customers as well as our own.
Our affiliates mainly produce amberjack, yellowtail and eel.
We respond from production to processing or distribution and, from farm raw materials we produce to import goods, provide it by a procurement function having high precision to the home and abroad.
We contributes to total coordination in food production and development, including not only food ingredients and additives, but also packaging materials and sanitation materials useful for factory hygiene.
We have affiliated companies that process and produce domestic agricultural products, and we are working on a more stable supply of domestic raw materials.
We can also help you export your final products overseas.
We are engaged in sales of functional raw materials and clean room materials in the fields of crude drugs and medical care, cosmetics and toiletries, health foods, and industrial products.
We are engaged in sales of functional raw materials and clean room materials in the fields of medicine and medical care, cosmetics and toiletries, health foods, and industrial products.
We are engaged in a wide variety of overseas businesses, including food-related import/export business, basic chemical/functional chemical/cosmetic raw material import/export business, and local production business.
We started our own direct import business in 2015 and are currently strengthening and expanding a wide variety of imported products from the food field to the life science field.
For food additives, we trade directly with major Chinese state-run companies, and imports are increasing every year.
In addition, we import safe and secure raw materials from overseas cooperative agricultural and marine products processing companies and chemical companies, and provide our customers with competitive prices.
Since 2016, we have started direct exports to China and are currently strengthening exports to Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore.
We are working on developing overseas markets for our clients' excellent products and exporting our own products.
Food ingredients/Food additive/Basic chemicals/Functional chemicals/Cosmetic raw materials etc…